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Vacancies in Asia Pacific

Primex Solutions

Tandem Base24

Senior Analyst Programmer

Analyst Programmer

My client requires the services of a Tandem Base24 Senior Analyst Programmer, Analyst Programmer to commence ASAP.

You must have experience with POS, ATM, Tandem Base24 as either a Senior Analyst Programmer & or as an Analyst Programmer with messaging standards and formats expertise.

A solid background within the Tandem Arena will be essential for you to excel in this position.

You will be involved in the Development of an enterprise level application that is leading the way in new technology delivery.

The projects will be long term with initial 6 month contracts on offer. If you are interested please send through your application to gljobs@primex.com.au for our immediate attention.

Please contact George Lidano quoting reference number GAL04010 at:

Suite 1, 79-83 High Street, Kew VIC 3101

Ph: 03 9810 3400

Email: Please click here.

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Tel: +44 (0)20 8304 7979, or email:info@tandemworld.net